This week Year 1 have been searching for patterns in numbers. The Circles used our messy maths area outside to create some of their own number sequences. Can you work out the next two numbers in their number sequences? What is the rule?
All posts by akelsall
Shakespeare week
Exciting Easter Task
Well done Year 1 on such a fantastic half term, myself and Miss Killeen are so proud of you all! For your homework over the half term, alongside practising your reading and phonics, I wonder if you could find out anything about wildlife in our local area in preparation for our topic ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ when you come back after Easter. Anything you find out please add in the comments on the blog, make poster or do some nonfiction writing. There will be golden tickets for anyone who completes the task. Have a fantastic Easter break!
Miss Kelsall and Miss Killeen
Friday Friendly Fundraiser!
On Friday afternoon, Year 1 set up a fundraising stall to raise money for wonderful learning opportunities! From selling bobbles, cakes and biscuits to guessing the name of the teddy and how many sweets were in the jar. It was a success! A massive thank you to all parents, children and dinner ladies for all their efforts. All the children had lots of fun! We will keep you up to date with how much money we raised…
Spring has sprung
Today was a very exciting day in Year One! First, we had 9 of our chicks hatch. Then Mrs Kendrick came in to visit, she brought with her Buttons the rabbit and Jethro the skunk. They were so friendly and Mrs Kendrick told us lots of interesting facts. What facts did you learn about rabbits and skunks?
Spelling Bee
Two of the three chicks that have hatched came to visit us in Year 1 today. We talked about what the chicks eat while they are inside the egg and how they break out of the egg when they are ready. We are so excited for the rest of the eggs to hatch! Hurry up little chicks! Can you think of some adjectives to describe our chicks?