Today Josh bought in his ‘aqua dinosaurs’ to show us all. The aqua dinosaurs have been around for over 200 million years and even survived the dinosaurs being extinct! Josh told us that he had hatched the dinosaurs himself and in a question and answer session we found out what the aqua dinosaurs like to eat, how often they eat and how long they take to hatch. Thank you Josh it was very interesting and we enjoyed watching them in their tank.
This week in maths we are learning about directions. We practised giving directions and following directions with our partners around the treasure maps.
Thank you so much to everyone for the lovely Christmas presents, you are all so kind!Did Father Christmas come? What did you all get for Christmas? I hope you have all had a fantastic holiday, me and Miss Killeen have missed you all over the holidays and we are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Year 1 have been finding out facts about reindeer this morning. Once we had found out lots of information we shared our facts with the rest of the class for us to use in our Big Write tomorrow. Can you remember any reindeer facts?
This morning Year 1 and Year 6 were given a fantastic opportunity to run the daily mile with the Wigan Athletic youth team. We got to meet the youth team players and their coaches, then we showed them how we run the mile and which way to run around the track. We had lots of fun and it was great to warm up with the players!
This week Year 1 have been practising their number bonds to 10 and 20. We have used ten frames and numicon to find which numbers add together to make 10 and 20, Year 1 worked really hard and came up with lots of facts!
We have been learning about fractions, Year One know all about halves and quarters. Today we found out how to split a number into quarters. We used sweets and plates, it was lots of fun!
Year 1 have a special visitor in our classroom, he is called Eddy the Elf and he has been sent by Santa. Eddy has been getting up to all sorts of mischief while we’ve not been looking. Do you have your own mischievous elf at home? Tell us what he gets up to so we can read all about it on our blog.