Look what sienna found…

Sienna found an orange ladybird on the path while we were running the daily mile. We were worried it might get hurt on the path so Sienna decided to put it on a leaf to keep it safe.


12 thoughts on “Look what sienna found…”

  1. I liked holding the ladybird. Caitlin found it. I am happy it is safe. I have named the ladybird….. Ladybird Layla.

    What would you call the ladybird? :)

    1. I think Ladybird Layla is a perfect name for the ladybird Sienna! I bet Ladybird Layla is very happy that you kept her safe.

      1. What a lovely kind thing to do Sienna looking after our worlds wildlife by taking great care to re-home Layla the ladybird. I’m sure she will like her new surroundings.

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