Our caterpillars have shed their exoskeletons and are hardening into chrysalides. Tomorrow we will move them into their Butterfly Hatching Habitat.

Today year 2 used pastel to create scenes from The Gtreat Fire of London.

Today we all planted a sugar snap pea.

Today Y2 started tennis in P.E.
We focused on our A, B, C – Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.

Today Y2 measured outside in the sunshine. We estimated first and then measured to the nearest metre.

The whole School enjoyed a Mad Science Assembly today. We found out about discoveries and inventions from around the world with Atomic Alana.

Y2 had an amazing time during the Friday Friendly Fundraiser.

Y2 have made a place mat for a special person. First we coloured a pattern, then we had to weave the paper. Finally we laminated the mat
Welcome to Year 4 at Woodfield Primary