Category Archives: Uncategorized

What is capacity?

Today Year 1 used cups and bottles of all different sizes and shapes to investigate ‘capacity’. Year 1 estimated which bottle or cup would hold the most and the least water. After that we used jugs to measure how much water each bottle or cup would hold. What did you find out?



This week in maths we have been measuring weight we used classroom objects and balancing scales. Year 1 used cubes or grams to estimate and weigh the objects.


Learning outside the classroom

As some of you may be aware Reception and Year 1, with support from parent volunteers, have been working very hard to improve the Reception outdoor area.

Today some of the Hexagons visited the new external classroom. They were astonished to see the transformation and can’t wait to start using the area!


This week in maths Year 1 have been practising division. We have been sharing cubes into equal groups of 2,3, 4 and 5. Can you remember which numbers will not divide equally into 2 groups?



This week in maths we are learning about multiplication. Today children practised counting in groups of 2. The Squares and the Circles used cubes to count in repeated groups of 2. You all did a great job Year 1,  me, Miss Sharrock and Miss Killeen were all very impressed with your hard work!


Change for life challenge

Today Year 1 took part in the change for life challenge. It was very tricky but no one gave up, we all kept going for the full 30 seconds! The children were then set the challenge of using a ball they have at home to repeat the challenge and try to beat their own score. Can you take up the challenge? Let us know how you get no Year 1!


Andy Goldsworthy

In art this half term we are looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. Today we found out that Andy Goldsworthy only uses nature to create pictures or sculptures, we looked at some of his work and then we made our own Andy Goldsworthy pictures. What can you find out about our artist for this half term?


Aqua dinosaurs

Today Josh bought in his ‘aqua dinosaurs’ to show us all. The aqua dinosaurs have been around for over 200 million years and even survived the dinosaurs being extinct! Josh told us that he had hatched the dinosaurs himself and in a question and answer session we found out what the aqua dinosaurs like to eat, how often they eat and how long they take to hatch. Thank you Josh it was very interesting and we enjoyed watching them in their tank.



Spring Term

Hello Year 1,

Thank you so much to everyone for the lovely Christmas presents, you are all so kind!Did Father Christmas come? What did you all get for Christmas? I hope you have all had a fantastic holiday, me and Miss Killeen have missed you all over the holidays and we are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Miss Kelsall