Y3 are conducting an experiment to find out how seeds grow. They decided they would need clear pots so that they could watch them in action. They also thought they would need water and sunlight so we watered them and put them on the window ledge. Now we will keep a seed diary to record what happens to them.
This week the children merged their geography and computing knowledge by researching human and physical features of Italy, then designing a poster including these facts in pic collage.
Y3 very much enjoyed the challenges set by Craig McCann who visited School this week. They all took part with smiles on their faces. Many thanks to all who have sponsored the children during this activity.
In art we have been looking at the designs of a famous ceramic artist called Clarice Cliff. We have created our own designs using bold colours and geometric shapes. Next we will make a bowl out of clay and transfer our design onto them with tools and paints.
In our maths lessons, we have been creating pictograms and bar charts. The children had to sort their box of smarties into colours, make a tally chart and then record their data in a bar chart.
In Year 3, we have been changing digital photos of ourselves using pop art studio.nl which is a free website. Can you guess who the children are? There are more on show in Y3.