A naughty elf had mixed up all the Golden Bears! Year 1 had to sort the bears back into the correct colours, then we had to find out how many there were of each colour and what colours we had the most and least of. After that Ruby and Evie had the excellent idea to make patterns with the sweets. Super work Year 1!

This week in maths Year 1 have been practising adding. Today we had to work out the missing number in the sums. Children worked in partners, they used cubes and paper plates to work out the missing numbers. Excellent work Year 1 we have some super mathematicians!

In science we have been learning all about animals. Today we investigated animal habitats, we went out into the woodland area to find some places we thought animals might live. Children explored and found lots of different homes for example nests, holes and log piles.

The Circles used cubes to add numbers up to 10. We practised reading the number sentence and using the cubes to add the two numbers together, then the Circles showed their answer on number fans. Well done everyone you worked really hard!

The Circles were asked to sort the statements and put them under the correct time of the day morning, afternoon or evening. They all did a fabulous job, well done Circles!

Our new topic in Year 1 is ‘Homes’. This week we are reading ‘The Journey Home’, we talked about animals who had lost their homes. The children split into 4 different groups and talked about questions they would like to ask the different animals to find out how they were feeling and what they were going to do next. Year 1 thought of some super questions, well done everyone!

Miss Killeen, Year 1 have missed you very much this week and they have not stopped asking how you are. This afternoon we decided to send you a ‘get well soon’ message as we are all hoping you make a speedy recovery!
Lots of love from Year 1

Year 1 were invited to the woodland area to help plant some bulbs. Mr Worthington and Mr Davies showed us the bulbs and explained that in Spring the bulbs will grow into daffodils. We put four bulbs in each hole and helped to cover them over with soil. We are very excited to wait and see the daffodils grow!

George was very proud of his pumpkin! He brought it in from home and showed the rest of the class. We all thought your pumpkin was super George, well done!

Welcome to Year 4 at Woodfield Primary